The Australian eagle is ready to rise

Daryl Crawford-Marshall City of Dreams ‘Prophets Page’ Assistant Editor

As we were preparing last week to launch a ‘Prophets Page’ to document what, we believe, the Lord is saying through His prophets throughout Australia (with an emphasis on South Australia), I was visited by a Wedge-tailed Eagle soaring and circling directly above my home. This was the first time something like this had ever happened, and in fact, it was the first time that I had personally ever seen one of these magnificent birds in its natural environment. I knew, from this visit, that this was no doubt a sign to encourage me about what we were preparing to launch, and that a NEW SEASON of the VOICE OF THE LORD coming POWERFULLY out from Australia was upon us. I knew too that the Lord was granting a NEW LEVEL of INFLUENCE and MOVEMENT for the Aussie prophets to carry His word both for Australia and the Nations.

Over the last few years, many international prophets have released words concerning the prophetic voice coming forth from Australia, and what impact it would have among the Nations. Many of these words have spoken similar themes, stating frequently that a voice of many prophets would come up from this Nation, and spread His word powerfully all over the Earth with miracles, signs and wonders following.

As I prayed over the launching of this new page with an emphasis on South Australia, I heard the following words clearly in my spirit; “THE PROPHETS IN THE SOUTH HAVE HIS SWORD IN THEIR MOUTH.” This reminded me of a word concerning South Australia that was released by Stephen Powell (a US prophet) in September 2017 on the Elijah List Network, stating, “I, the Lord will back these words coming from the southern prophets. They are My oracles, My mouth pieces.”

I believe this is the time where we are going to see a RISE of the Australian prophets unlike anything we have ever seen to date. I believe too, that these prophets will not only release a word in season to sustain the weary (Isaiah 50:4) but that they will also carry His word to help realign and bring things back into a correct Kingdom order. Jeremiah 1:10 details Jeremiah’s commissioning, where he is instructed to carry God’s word which will uproot, break down, build and also plant. This dynamic of deconstructing and rebuilding is something which, I believe, we are about to see much more frequently as these prophets RISE. They will be known for HAVING HIS SWORD IN THEIR MOUTH BUT ALSO MUCH LOVE IN THEIR HEARTS to bring both comfort, exhortation and edification (1 Corinthians 14:3) and carry a word of realignment for those things that may have departed from God’s original design and/or intention.