Adam F Thompson – Prophet & Author
In the spirit I saw Lebanon and I saw a great re-building taking place. But the rebuilding wasn’t just in the natural; there will be a rebuilding in the spirit. In the spirit I saw a strong structure rising. God said, ‘Even now I’m prompting apostles and evangelists to go, to be sent.’ And I heard the words from Mark 16 “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation and signs will follow!”
Then I saw a map of Japan and the devastation of Hiroshima, and I heard the Lord say that in that time Japan, too, was ploughed so that many were shaken from their traditional ideology and belief systems. The Lord showed me that He had prompted apostles and evangelists to take advantage of that ploughing, but they wouldn’t go. The Lord showed me that things would have been different for Japan if they had responded in faith and obedience.
With that in mind I sensed an urgency regarding Lebanon. Even as they read this message many apostles and evangelists will experience confirmation of the promptings they’ve received in the spirit to go to Lebanon. I want to encourage them from 2 Chronicles 7:14: ‘If my people will humble themselves and pray, and turn from their wicked ways, I will forgive their sin and I will heal their land.’
I see Lebanon in a place of humility. I see such a move of God there, even to the point of many signs and wonders and revival breaking out. I see Lebanese believers moving in powerful prayer and intercession that will result in incredible transformation. I see a great healing of the land taking place and prosperity returning. I see such a strong community of Christians that it seems the whole nation is believing. I am reminded of Joseph telling his brothers that what the enemy intended for destruction and evil, God used for their good (Gen. 50:20a). I see death becoming resurrection in Lebanon. I see God bringing resurrection to the whole nation if apostles and evangelists respond now. This is the urgency of the call to ‘go’.
There are those who are reading this and thinking, ‘Sounds great, but what about covid? How can we go?’ Brothers and sisters, where there is a will there is a way! This is the time for anointed intercessors to be praying; for apostles and evangelists to be obedient; and for equipping and financial provision. Surely, we will see God making the way.